Autism Informed Services and Resources

What is Autism?
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Essential Guides and Information PDFs

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Here Toitū
Pegasus Health logo
Pegasus Health logo

Services We Have Confidence In

Zebedee Driving School Logo
Zebedee Driving School Logo

Here Toitū offers a service dedicated to helping individuals with health conditions or disabilities find or maintain work, pursue studies, or engage in volunteer opportunities, all with the guidance and support of a kaimanaaki (health navigator)

Zebedee Driving School prides themselves on providing services that cater to autistic adults. They will provide services to meet the unique needs of the neurodiverse adult, specifically helping with anxiety, so you can reach your full potential on the road!

Together Diverse

As an adult, receiving an autism diagnosis can be a challenging experience. Many adults choose not to pursue a formal diagnosis but find value in understanding themselves better. For adults facing mental health challenges, you may be eligible for a referral through your GP, depending on your specific situation.